
2024 Douglas County Behind the Scenes Award: Tasha King

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2024 Douglas County Behind the Scenes Award: Tasha King

Tasha King has been a member of DCMG since 1996 and has logged in 10,897 hours of volunteer work! Thank you, Tasha!

She has worked all over the garden and in the green houses but you won’t see her often as most of her volunteer time is spent “behind the scenes.” You may have seen her taking care of the border around the Easy Access Garden. Some of you might not even know where that is. The plants there are some of the favorites, hostas, ferns and fuchsias.

If you ask the Victory Garden workers, they would not know who takes care of the visitor portion of that garden. It is always weeded, trimmed and looking beautiful for our visitors by guess who, Tasha! Even though her main responsibility is a big section of our Discovery Garden, when it is raining and the weather is terrible, you can find her in the greenhouses, quietly weeding and trimming plants, usually succulents.

When we used to have winter classes, students came to Westside greenhouse for a seed planting lesson. All seed was counted to the one, so we would know if we accidentally planted 2 seeds in one container. Guess who did all the cataloging, organizing and counting of every seed?

Tasha was a vital part of creating the Discovery Garden Rock Garden. She was there for the delivery of all the giant rocks, helped to direct the tractor in placing the rock creating each garden, laid down all the soil fabric and some wire under each rock garden, researched, bought and planted the whole garden.

This spring, when our members all gathered to buy new plants at the pre-plant sale and everybody had a plant in their hand ready to buy, what did Tasha have in her hands? Not a plant – nope – she had a handful of weeds. She had been weeding the plants we were buying!

Tasha King is a vital member of our Douglas County Master Gardeners and our Discovery Garden team.