Hummingbird & Mini Rock Garden

Compost Area Mini Rock Garden

Under the large triangular composting sign lies a small rock garden of low-growing plants, planted and maintained by MG Volunteer Tasha King.

Plant List

Scientific NameCommon Name
Filipendula ulmariaMeadowsweet
Lewisia cotyledonCliff Maids
Onosma alboroseaYellowdrop
Sedum cauticolaStonecrop ‘Lidakense’
Sedum oregonenseCreamy Stonecrop
Teucrium aroaniumCreeping Germander
Updated 5/2024

Hummingbird Garden

Hummingbird Garden sign in the Discovery Garden, photo by Geoff Puryear

The Hummingbird Garden borders the composting area to the south. Featuring both Oregon Native and exotic plants meant to attract hummingbirds.

Plant List

Scientific NameCommon Name
AlliumOrnamental Onion ‘Millenium’
Digitalis purpureaFoxglove
Lobelia laxifloraMexican Cardinal Flower
Nepeta faasseniCatmint ‘Dropmore’
PenstemonBeard Tongue ‘Firebird’
PenstemonBeard Tongue ‘Watermelon Taffy’
PhygeliusCape Fuchsia
Rehmannia elataChinese Foxglove
Ribes sanguineumRed Flowering Current
Salvia lemmoniiLemmon’s Sage
Salvia microphyllaLittleaf Sage ‘Hot Lips’
Salvia nemorosaWoodland Sage ‘Caradonna’
Scutellaria altissimaTall Scullcap
VerbascumMullein ‘Cotswold King’
Updated 5/2024